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Pearson VUE can help your training or testing facility do both. Retain your current training students by providing access to certification exams and gain new ones by joining Pearson VUE — the global leader in computer-based testing. Broadening your certification offering retains current students and attracts new candidates to your facility.

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Pearson VUE is a private company providing secure testing facilities for over 450 professional organizations' certifications, such as PMI and their PMP exam. Pearson VUE’s exam format is electronic or computer-based. Pearson VUE Testing Center is a company based out of 4820 BUSINESS CENTER DR, Fairfield, California, United States. LinkedIn.

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When I try to log in, a message appears "You are currently restricted from signing in to your account. Contact Pearson VUE immediately to correct the spelling of your name or update your personal information if you notice any errors. It is very important that this information is correct, as it will appear as it was entered on the documentation provided to you after you have completed the exam, as well as on any reports to your licensing agency. Pearson VUE, unprofessional and not giving a good experience at all Not a good experience at all. They, Pearson VUE, more or less robbed me of $249. First there were tremendous problems in system testing my laptop with their software.

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